Thank you for your Support of this Ministry

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Give, and you will receive.

As we build relationship with God, we are challenged to keep Him first in all we do. One way to keep God first is to give Him the “first fruits of our increase”–the tithe. To tithe means to give back to God a portion of the increase that He has entrusted into our care. The portion of that increase (or the tithe, the “tenth”) is simply ten percent (10%) of your income. When you do this, you enable the ministry to continue reaching and impacting lives throughout our community. When you give, your gift will literally open the door of opportunity for God to bless you with more. Your gifts can be designated to support Missions Projects, Bread of Life Food Program, specific ministries and more.

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Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise!
No one can measure his greatness.

Psalm 145:3